Mild cleaning

Please gently wash the product with warm water and mild cleaning agent. Avoid using strong cleaning agents or bleaches to avoid damaging the fabric or causing fading.

Avoid heat and bright light

Please avoid exposure to high temperature or direct sunlight to prevent material deformation or color fading. Regular Maintenance: Please regularly check the wear degree of the product, and according to the need for maintenance. You can use appropriate maintenance products to maintain the texture and appearance of the product.

Regular maintenance

Please check the wear degree of the product regularly and carry out maintenance as needed. You can use appropriate maintenance products to maintain the texture and appearance of the product.

Storage method

When you don't use the product, store it in a dry, ventilated place to avoid moisture and mold. You can keep your products clean and dry by keeping them in a well-ventilated storage bag.

Respect special requirements

Some special materials may require special maintenance methods, please be sure to follow the instructions on the product label.

The above is our basic product maintenance instructions, hope to help you to maintain the quality and appearance of the product, and extend its service life. If you have any questions about product maintenance or need further help, please feel free to contact our customer service team