men hiking with a dog

Tips to Stay Comfortable when Hiking

by BaiJason on Apr 18, 2022

Whether you're mountaineering in Colorado or hiking in the Pacific Northwest in the spring, a lot of elements will have a significant impact on your comfort and safety. These might include everything from proper attire to having a strategy in place to keep your goods and camp dry. Here are some tips to stay comfortable when hiking.

Two men hiking on trail in snowy mountains

Know what to pack and bring all necessary items

Reduce the weight of your backpack by making material selections, especially if you're going on a multi-day vacation and may need to bring extra water bottles for replenishing. With technological applications, lighter-weight materials are more easily accessible than ever before. Consider packing the following:

  • Navigational Aids/Tools
  • Water and Food
  • Rain protection and clothing
  • First-Aid Kit
  • Knife or Multi-Purpose Tool
  • Sunscreen
  • Toiletries

Prioritize proper foot care

Nothing else will ruin your hike faster than a couple of ugly blisters. Fortunately, there are some excellent methods for avoiding, preventing and treating them in order to keep your feet happy. Always take the time to break in new hiking shoes. This is particularly true of hiking footwear. Slowly break them in before going on a lengthy hike or backpacking trip, either from around the house or on shorter outings.

Wear comfortable clothing

Even when we are at rest, our bodies generate heat, so it stands to reason that when we exert energy, our bodies will warm up even more. Clothes with natural fibers and other permeable fabrics help to pull heat away from our bodies and disperse it, allowing more air and cooling to keep us cool.

When hiking, it's advisable to stay away from denim. Your preferred pair of jeans may be acceptable for a quick, casual walk, but they may be unpleasant for longer hikes. Jeans alone will not keep you warm in the winter, and they will absorb water and dry slowly in the summer.

For premium and high-quality hiking clothes, Atlaslava Outdoor offers the perfect items for your next hike, including jackets, shirts, and pants.

A man in comfortable clothing is hiking in a mountain rock

Create a menu in advance

You may not feel the need to drink much water as a beginner hiker. However, it is usually a good idea to keep hydrated by drinking little sips of water throughout your trek, whether it is easy or strenuous. Before hitting the trails, drink at least 32 ounces and bring enough water to consume roughly 16 ounces with every hour of hiking.

Meals that are easy to pack, lightweight, and calorie-dense should be planned ahead of time. You'll expend a lot of energy trekking all day, so making sure you replenish what you lose is critical to the success and comfort of your adventure—especially since no one wants to go to bed hungry.

By following the tips above, you can be sure that your hiking trip will be as easy, convenient, and comfortable as you’d like.

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